Heart and Shadow IntegrAction Books
“Heart and Shadow IntegrAction Books” – An action-driven collection empowering women to navigate life transitions, heal from breakups, and rebuild confidence for healthier, more fulfilling futures.

HEALPractical Recovery
Each concept includes guided exercises to process emotions, release pain, and begin rebuilding. Clear steps and tools act like having a supportive companion through every stage of your journey.

REBUILDThe Mind & The Self
We address both the "heart" (emotions, values) and the "shadow" (patterns, fears) to help you rebuild with clarity and intention. Activities are designed to create lasting shifts and a stronger foundation for future connections.

PREPARERelationship Readiness
Step-by-step guidance ensures you're ready for healthy, fulfilling relationships. From self-discovery to actionable strategies, each workbook offers a clear path to confidently embrace the next chapter.
Read Reviews by My Readers

" Really gave me concrete tips and understanding. Already have seen it improve my relationships."
/ Meditator
"Excellent material and presentation - easy to apply these practical steps to improve all of your relationships, not just your intimate relationships."
/ Reader
"I have been following Ellen’s meditations and teachings for almost 8 years now, and her work has had a transformative effect on my life. I would highly suggest anyone embarking on a journey of transformation or even continuing on their own path of self discovery to take her courses, buy her workbooks as well as listen to the guided meditations she offers. Her work is like having a mentor with you at your fingertips wherever you are."